Gov. Fallin signs major pro-transparency bills Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, Oklahoma Open Records ActoklahomafoiMay 15, 2014attorney fees, dash cam, Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, Oklahoma Open Records Act, private right to sue, recordings, video Comment
Bill granting attorney fees in Open Meeting Act lawsuits going to governor Oklahoma Open Meeting ActoklahomafoiMay 7, 2014Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, private right to sue Comment
Senate committee: Both sides entitled to attorney fees in Open Meeting Act lawsuits Oklahoma Open Meeting ActoklahomafoiFebruary 19, 2014Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, private right to sue, SB 1497Comment
House committee: Oklahomans may sue for Open Meeting Act violations, be awarded attorney fees Oklahoma Open Meeting ActoklahomafoiFebruary 13, 2014attorney fees, Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, private right to sueComment