become a member of foi oklahoma and help us make Oklahoma more open and transparent.

Freedom to information is one of your basic rights as a citizen. By joining FOI Oklahoma you aren't just saying you support open government, you're actually helping us promote the cause.
Your annual membership dues and other donations are what make all the work we do possible. FOI Oklahoma is leading the charge in fighting for openness and transparency in our government, which is more important now than ever.
Membership categories and annual dues:
Individual Members: $50
Students: $20
Academic or Government Organizations: $150
Not-For-Profit organizations (e.g., professional associations and non-commercial media): $250
Commercial Television/Radio stations and Daily newspapers: $500
Other Corporations: $500
But wait, there's more!
Many people want to support FOI Oklahoma beyond a simple membership. Donations can also be made to FOI Oklahoma’s Sunshine Defense Fund to support open government lawsuits. Special recognition at public events and publications also is given for donations of:
Friends of Freedom ($100+)
Liberty Bell Circle ($250+)
James Madison Society ($500+)
If you would like to make an additional donation to FOI Oklahoma, please use the link below: