Freedom of Information Oklahoma

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Statement: FOI Oklahoma Responds to Changes to County Redistricting Process


June 9, 2021

FOI Oklahoma Responds to Changes to County Redistricting Process

OKLAHOMA CITY — Ted Streuli, president of Freedom of Information Oklahoma, released the following statement in response to the Oklahoma County Board of County Commissioners’ decision to outsource county redistricting to the state legislature:

“Oklahoma state law clearly states that the public has a right to be fully informed about their government. The decision made on Monday by the Oklahoma County Board of County Commissioners to use the state legislative staff for county redistricting seems to be an attempt to circumvent the spirit of the Open Records and Open Meetings Acts and raises serious concerns about transparency and appropriate use of funds at both the state and county levels."

County and municipal governments are subject to the Open Records and Open Meeting Acts, however, the Oklahoma Legislature created exemptions for its members and staff. 

Ted Streuli
