New BA school superintendent: 'They can see my e-mails if they want. I've got nothing to hide.'

Broken Arrow's new school superintendent on Thursday repeated his promise of a transparent administration.

"Transparency's got to be there," Jarod Mendenhall told more than 100 staffers. "They can look at anything they want. They can see my e-mails if they want. I've got nothing to hide."

Earlier during his first day on the job, Mendenhall waived a $90 search fee authorized by his predecessor and promised that the district "will do all that it can to be open and transparent in its operations."

"That includes doing our very best to follow the spirit and regulations of the Oklahoma Open Records Act," he said in a press release.

To read coverage of his meeting with district staff:
Broken Arrow Superintendent Mendenhall starts work, by Sara Plummer, Tulsa World, 7.2.10.

To read more about the search fee:
BA's new school superintendent says district will comply with letter, spirit of state Open Records Act, FOI Oklahoma Blog, 7.1.10.

Joey Senat, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
OSU School of Media and Strategic Communication

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