Ex-Boynton official faces trial for Open Records Act violations

Former Boynton Town Clerk/Treasurer Pauline Osburn was charged in May with two counts of violating the state Open Records Act.

Osburn had refused to grant town trustees access to the town's water records. She resigned May 26.

This is a prime example of why public access to government records is so important.

From the records, officials learned the town has about $15,000 in the bank but more than $40,000 in debts. At the same time, the city is owed thousands of dollars for delinquent water bills. One resident owes more than $8,000.

Osburn's jury trial is scheduled for July 27.

Donna Hales of the Muskogee Phoenix has written some excellent stories outlining the problems facing the town.

Joey Senat, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
OSU School of Journalism

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