Board of Directors Meeting
Saturday, Sep 14, 2019 | 10:30AM
UCO Mass Comm Bldg, Room 105
Welcome / Call to Order - Joe Hight
Minutes - Joe Hight (1 minute)
Motion to approve
Approval of President’s nominations for Advisory Board (5 minutes)
Executive Director’s Report (10 minutes)
Committee Reports
Finance - Brian Jones (5 min)
Nominations and Governance - Michael Ridgeway (10 min)
Nomination and possible action regarding new board members.
Nomination and possible action regarding position of Secretary.
Communications - Bill Hickman (10 min)
Update on ORA/OMA training seminars.
Information regarding the Reporters Committee of the Press Legal Initiative.
Events - Lea Morgan (20 min)
Update regarding Awards Dinner on October 2nd
Discussion and possible decision regarding First Amendment Congress (10 minutes)
Legislative report - Mark Thomas (5 min)
Old Business
New Business
Next Meeting - Joe Hight
Adjournment - Joe Hight